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      Great Teachers      

Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas 

Neptune, Relating, The Inner Planets, The Development of Personality, The Luminaries

Robert Hand, the Magician of Astrology and a fine Historian too

Planets in Youth, Planets in Transit, Horoscope Symbols


James Braha, the Heartfelt Interpreter with targeted insights

How To Be A Great Astrologer, How to Predict Your Future


Z'Ev Ben Shimon Halevi, the Brave Sage who liberated the Kabbalah for all

Introduction to Cabala, The Anatomy of Fate, The Work of the Kabbalist


John Sandbach, Mystical Seer

Degree Analyses


Debbi Kempton Smith, on Target Humorous Truth Teller

Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook


Lois Rodden, Intrepid Researcher

Modern Transits


Donna Cunningham, tells Truth to Power

The Moon in Your Life


Donna Van Toen, Analytical Genius

The Mars Book


Martin Schulman, Analytical Genius

Karmic Astrology, The Ascendant


Alan Oken, Analytical Genius

Complete Astrology, The Rulers of the Horoscope


Alexander Ruperti, Universal Lawyer

Cycles of Becoming

      Coming Sooner or Later     
       ~ The Tao of Astrology ~    
    ~ Universal Trees of Life ~   


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